Superviseur des opérations ROV
Upgrade Fee $
Superviseur des opérations ROV, catégorie spécifique aux classes I, II, III ou IV
Chef de plongée de cloche
Upgrade Fee $725
Ce certificat permet au titulaire de superviser les opérations de plongée en cloche à toutes les profondeurs en utilisant des mélanges respiratoires autres que l'air. Les titulaires de cette certification travaillent généralement à l'appui de l'exploration, du développement et de la production d'hydrocarbures extracôtiers et à l'appui de la construction offshore.
To Upgrade Your Certificate Please Include the Following:
- A scan of your IMCA Bell Diving Supervisor certificate
- A scan of your Closed Bell Diver certificate
- Successful completion of the Canadian Regulatory Module Exam based on the Canada Oil & Gas Diving Regulations
- A scan of a photo ID (passport or driver’s license) to verify date of birth and identity
- A scan of your current workplace First Aid training certificate, including CPR and AED
- A scan of your current O2 Provider certificate, or equivalent certification
- Copies of letter(s) of appointment
- Copies of logbook entries. If logs are not stamped, be sure to include contact information for each employer
- A recent passport-style photograph of yourself
- The appropriate fee payable by credit card or PayPal
Missing Information
- If you are missing a piece of information you may proceed to complete and/or save the rest of the application. You will be unable to submit the application until all required documentation is attached.
- You will be able to select your endorsement(s) during the application process.
- The fee for the certificate type chosen includes any endorsements.
Plongeur de cloche
Upgrade Fee $600
Ce certificat permet au titulaire de travailler comme plongeur de cloche à profondeur supérieure à 70 mètres tout en respirant des mélanges autres que l'air. Les titulaires de cette certification travaillent généralement à l'appui de l'exploration, du développement et de la production d'hydrocarbures extracôtiers et à l'appui de la construction offshore.
To Upgrade Your Certificate Please Include the Following:
- A scan of your Closed Bell diver training certificate
- A scan of your Unrestricted Surface Supplied Diver certificate
- Proof of a minimum of one year as a surface supplied diver
- A scan of a photo ID (passport or driver’s license) to verify date of birth and identity
- A scan of your current workplace First Aid training certificate, including CPR and AED
- A scan of your current O2 Provider certificate, or equivalent certification
- A scan of your current Diving Medical
- Copies of logbook entries (50 diving activities including 1 saturation dive). If logs are not stamped, be sure to include contact information for each employer
- A recent passport-style photograph of yourself
- The appropriate fee payable by credit card or PayPal
Missing Information
- If you are missing a piece of information you may proceed to complete and/or save the rest of the application. You will be unable to submit the application until all required documentation is attached
- You will be able to select your endorsement(s) during the application process
- The fee for the certificate type chosen includes any endorsements
Opérateur de caisson hyperbare (OCH)
Upgrade Fee $120
Les opérateurs de caissons hyperbares utilisés en plongée peuvent travailler à partir d’une base sur le rivage, de bateaux et de barges de diverses tailles ou à partir de petites plates-formes flottantes. Ils doivent pouvoir travailler dans tous les types de conditions météorologiques et de milieu et ils doivent pouvoir effectuer l’entretien sur place des systèmes de caissons hyperbares. D’autre part, les opérateurs de caissons hyperbares utilisés en milieu clinique travaillent habituellement dans les hôpitaux, les cliniques de soins de plaies et les installations d’urgence.
To Upgrade Your Certificate Please Include the Following:
- A scan of a photo ID (passport or driver’s license) to verify date of birth and identify.
- A scan of your current workplace First Aid training certificate, including CPR and AED.
- A scan of your current O2 Provider certificate, or equivalent certification.
- Copies of sufficient logs to demonstrate that you meet the requirements. If logs are not stamped, be sure to include contact information for each employer.
- A recent passport-style photograph of yourself.
- The appropriate fee payable by credit card or PayPal.
Missing Information
- If you are missing a piece of information you may proceed to complete and/or save the rest of the application. You will be unable to submit the application until all required documentation is attached.
- You will be able to select your endorsement(s) during the application process.
- The fee for the certificate type chosen includes any endorsements.
Spécialiste de la sécurité en plongée côtière (SSPC)
Upgrade Fee $600
Le spécialiste de la sécurité en plongée est une personne qui possède des compétences éprouvées en matière de plongée côtière qui reposent sur la formation, les connaissances et l’expérience. Pour être en mesure d’aider les ingénieurs conseillers, les clients, les entrepreneurs et les chefs en ce qui a trait aux modes opératoires, aux exigences des gouvernements en matière de diligence raisonnable, d’assurance de la qualité et d’évaluation des risques, le spécialiste de la sécurité en plongée côtière applique ces compétences aux projets qui lui sont confiés.
To Upgrade Your Certificate Please Include the Following:
- A scan of a photo ID (passport or driver’s license) to verify date of birth and identity
- A scan of your surface supplied diver certificate(s)
- Copies of logbook entries/letters of appointment showing at least 8 years of inshore supervisory experience in five of the categories in Section 27.2 of CSA Standard Z275.4. If logs are not stamped, be sure to include contact information for each employer
- Proof of experience as an unrestricted surface supplied supervisor for at least three (3) months in each of two(2) of the past five (5) years.
- A recent passport-style photograph of yourself
- The appropriate fee payable by credit card or PayPal
Missing Information
- If you are missing a piece of information you may proceed to complete and/or save the rest of the application. You will be unable to submit the application until all required documentation is attached
- You will be able to select your endorsement(s) during the application process
- The fee for the certificate type chosen includes any endorsements
Chef de systèmes de survie hyperbares
Upgrade Fee $360
Ce certificat permet au titulaire de superviser les opérations de soutien de la vie dans le complexe de plongée en cloche (saturation diving).
To Upgrade Your Certificate Please Include the Following:
- A scan of a photo ID (passport or driver’s license) to verify date of birth and identity.
- A scan of your current workplace First Aid training certificate, including CPR and AED.
- A scan of your current Life Support Technician (LST) Certificate.
- Copies of log books showing 2400 panel hours. If logs are not stamped, be sure to include contact information for each employer.
- Copies of leadership training certificates.
- Copies of letter(s) of appointment.
- A recent passport-style photograph of yourself.
- The appropriate fee payable by credit card or PayPal.
Missing Information
- If you are missing a piece of information you may proceed to complete and/or save the rest of the application. You will be unable to submit the application until all required documentation is attached.
- You will be able to select your endorsement(s) during the application process.
- The fee for the certificate type chosen includes any endorsements.
Technicien de systèmes de survie hyperbares (TSSH)
Upgrade Fee $300
La responsabilité principale d'une TSSH est de maintenir un environnement pour soutenir la vie dans le complexe de plongée en cloche (saturation diving). Le travail de LST comprend le maintien correct des niveaux d'oxygène, de dioxyde de carbone, de température et d'humidité.
To Upgrade Your Certificate Please Include the Following:
- A scan of a photo ID (passport or driver’s license) to verify date of birth and identity.
- A scan of your current workplace First Aid training certificate, including CPR and AED.
- Copies of logbooks showing 1800 panel hours. If logs are not stamped, be sure to include contact information for each employer.
- A recent passport-style photograph of yourself.
- The appropriate fee payable by credit card or PayPal.
Missing Information
- If you are missing a piece of information you may proceed to complete and/or save the rest of the application. You will be unable to submit the application until all required documentation is attached.
- You will be able to select your endorsement(s) during the application process.
- The fee for the certificate type chosen includes any endorsements.
Chef de plongée non-autonome en mer
Upgrade Fee $545
Ce certificat permet au titulaire de superviser les opérations de plongée sous-marine à l'appui des opérations de gaz et de pétrole ou de plonger dans les eaux sous la juridiction de l'Office national de l'énergie du Canada (y compris les eaux contrôlées par les offices canadiens de pétrole).
To Upgrade Your Certificate Please Include the Following:
- A scan of your surface supplied diver certificate(s)
- A scan of your Offshore Supervisor training certificate
- A scan of your IMCA Air Diving Supervisor certificate
- Successful completion of the Canadian Regulatory Module Exam based on the Canada Oil & Gas Diving Regulations
- A scan of a photo ID (passport or driver’s license) to verify date of birth and identity
- A scan of your current workplace First Aid training certificate, including CPR and AED
- A scan of your current O2 Provider certificate, or equivalent certification
- Copies of letter(s) of appointment
- Copies of logbook entries within the past 5 years. If logs are not stamped, be sure to include contact information for each employer
- A recent passport-style photograph of yourself
- The appropriate fee payable by credit card or PayPal
Missing Information
- If you are missing a piece of information you may proceed to complete and/or save the rest of the application. You will be unable to submit the application until all required documentation is attached
- You will be able to select your endorsement(s) during the application process
- The fee for the certificate type chosen includes any endorsements
Spécialiste de la sécurité en plongée en mer (plongée en cloche)
Upgrade Fee $850
Le spécialiste de la sécurité en plongée est une personne qui possède des compétences éprouvées en matière de plongée en mer qui reposent sur la formation, les connaissances et l’expérience et qui met à profit ses compétences dans le cadre de l’opération de plongée pour laquelle il a été engagé.
To Upgrade Your Certificate Please Include the Following:
- A scan of your closed bell diver certificate
- Proof of 5 years as a diver
- A scan of your IMCA Supervisor certificate
- Proof of 5 years as a supervisor
- A scan of your DP Induction or DP Introduction course certificate
- Proof of 700 panel hours on a DP Vessel
- Copies of 2 letters of recommendation
- Copies of logbook entries showing proof of experience in the past 5 years.
- Successful completion of the Canadian Regulatory Module Exam based on the Canada Oil & Gas Diving Regulations
- A scan of a photo ID (passport or driver’s license) to verify date of birth and identity
- A recent passport-style photograph of yourself
- The appropriate fee payable by credit card or PayPal
- You will be able to select your endorsement(s) during the application process. If you wish to be endorsed for Bell Diving Supervisor or Offshore Air Diving Supervisor, you will be required to provide copies of your current workplace First Aid training certificate, including CPR and AED and a scan of your current O2 Provider certificate, or equivalent certification
- The fee for the certificate type chosen includes any endorsements
Missing Information
- If you are missing a piece of information you may proceed to complete and/or save the rest of the application. You will be unable to submit the application until all required documentation is attached.
Spécialiste de la sécurité en plongée en mer (plongée non-autonome)
Upgrade Fee $850
Le spécialiste de la sécurité en plongée est une personne qui possède des compétences éprouvées en matière de plongée en mer qui reposent sur la formation, les connaissances et l’expérience et qui met à profit ses compétences dans le cadre de l’opération de plongée pour laquelle il a été engagé.
To Upgrade Your Certificate Please Include the Following:
- A scan of your closed bell diver certificate
- Proof of 5 years as a diver
- A scan of your IMCA Supervisor certificate
- Proof of 5 years as a supervisor
- A scan of your DP Induction or DP Introduction course certificate
- Proof of 700 panel hours on a DP Vessel
- Copies of 2 letters of recommendation
- Copies of logbook entries showing proof of experience in the past 5 years.
- Successful completion of the Canadian Regulatory Module Exam based on the Canada Oil & Gas Diving Regulations
- A scan of a photo ID (passport or driver’s license) to verify date of birth and identity
- A recent passport-style photograph of yourself
- The appropriate fee payable by credit card or PayPal
- You will be able to select your endorsement(s) during the application process. If you wish to be endorsed for Bell Diving Supervisor or Offshore Air Diving Supervisor, you will be required to provide copies of your current workplace First Aid training certificate, including CPR and AED and a scan of your current O2 Provider certificate, or equivalent certification
- The fee for the certificate type chosen includes any endorsements
Missing Information
- If you are missing a piece of information you may proceed to complete and/or save the rest of the application. You will be unable to submit the application until all required documentation is attached.
Chef de plongée non autonome à profondeur limitée
Upgrade Fee $425
Ce certificat permet au détenteur de superviser les opérations de plongée non autonome à profondeur limitée n’impliquant pas d’outils à commande mécanique.
To Upgrade Your Certificate Please Include the Following:
- A scan of your surface supplied diver certificate(s).
- A scan of your supervisor training certificate(s).
- A scan of your supervisor certificate(s).
- A scan of your letter of assessment.
- Proof of a minimum of two (2) years experience as a diver.
- Documented proof of Mock Incidents/SHAMS (Decompression Sickness, Trapped Diver and Burst Lung).
- Documented proof of supervisory experience (25 assistant supervisor logs).
- A scan of a photo ID (passport or driver’s license) to verify date of birth and identity.
- A scan of your current workplace First Aid training certificate, including CPR and AED.
- A scan of your current O2 Provider certificate, or equivalent certification.
- Copies of sufficient logs (a minimum of 75 dive logs and 2 years experience) within the past 5 years. If logs are not stamped, be sure to include contact information for each employer.
- A recent passport-style photograph of yourself.
- The appropriate fee payable by credit card or PayPal.
Missing Information
- If you are missing a piece of information you may proceed to complete and/or save the rest of the application. You will be unable to submit the application until all required documentation is attached.
- You will be able to select your endorsement(s) during the application process.
- The fee for the certificate type chosen includes any endorsements.
Pilote/technicien ROV de niveau 2
Upgrade Fee $240
La qualification de niveau d'entrée applicable à toutes les classes de ROV
To Upgrade Your Certificate Please Include the Following:
- A nationally recognized technical or trade qualification certificate.
- A scan of ROV pilot technician Level 2 certificate.
- A scan of a photo ID (passport or driver’s license) to verify date of birth and identity.
- Copies of sufficient logs to demonstrate that you meet the requirements for renewal.
- A recent passport-style photograph of yourself.
- The appropriate fee payable by credit card or PayPal.
Missing Information
- If you are missing a piece of information you may proceed to complete and/or save the rest of the application. You will be unable to submit the application until all required documentation is attached.
- You will be able to select your endorsement(s) during the application process
- The fee for the certificate type chosen includes any endorsements
Pilote/technicien ROV de niveau 1
Upgrade Fee $300
ROV Catégorie d'opérateur spécifique aux classes l et ll ou classes III et IV
To Upgrade Your Certificate Please Include the Following:
- Meet the requirements of CSA Standard Z275.4 Section 32.5.4.
- Meet the requirements of CSA Standard Z275.4 Table 6.
- Have six (6) months documented experience working as an ROV Pilot/Technician Level 2.
- Have 75 hours logged piloting experience as an ROV Pilot/Technician Level 2.
- Proof of 20 hours piloting an ROV or simulator.
- A scan of a photo ID (passport or driver’s license) to verify date of birth and identity.
- Copies of sufficient logs to demonstrate that you meet the requirements.
- A recent passport-style photograph of yourself.
- The appropriate fee payable by credit card or PayPal.
Missing Information
- If you are missing a piece of information you may proceed to complete and/or save the rest of the application. You will be unable to submit the application until all required documentation is attached.
- You will be able to select your endorsement(s) during the application process.
- The fee for the certificate type chosen includes any endorsements.
Pilote/technicien ROV principal
Upgrade Fee $360
Opérateur senior ROV, catégorie spécifique aux classes I, II, III ou IV
To UpgradeYour Certificate Please Include the Following:
- Meet the requirements of CSA Standard Z275.4 Clause 32.5.2.
- Meet the applicable requirements of CSA Standard Z275.4 Table 6.
- Proof of one (1) year’s experience as an ROV Pilot/Technician Level 1.
- Proof of 80 hours piloting an ROV or simulator.
- A scan of a photo ID (passport or driver’s license) to verify date of birth and identity.
- Copies of sufficient logs to demonstrate that you meet the requirements.
- A recent passport-style photograph of yourself.
- The appropriate fee payable by credit card or PayPal.
Missing Information
- If you are missing a piece of information you may proceed to complete and/or save the rest of the application. You will be unable to submit the application until all required documentation is attached.
- You will be able to select your endorsement(s) during the application process.
- The fee for the certificate type chosen includes any endorsements.
Chef pilote/technicien ROV
Upgrade Fee $480
Superviseur des opérations ROV, catégorie spécifique aux classes I, II, III ou IV
To Upgrade Your Certificate Please Include the Following:
- Meet the requirements of CSA Standard Z275.4 Clause 32.5.3.
- Have one (1) year’s experience as an ROV senior pilot/technician.
- Have 100 hours of logged piloting experience as an ROV senior pilot/technician.
- Proof of formal administrative/leadership management training .
- Proof of completion of an industrial safety supervisor course.
- Logs of 20 ROV deployments as a trainee supervisor. If logs are not stamped, be sure to include contact information for each employer.
- A scan of a photo ID (passport or driver’s license) to verify date of birth and identity.
- A recent passport-style photograph of yourself.
- The appropriate fee payable by credit card or PayPal
Missing Information
- If you are missing a piece of information you may proceed to complete and/or save the rest of the application. You will be unable to submit the application until all required documentation is attached.
- You will be able to select your endorsement(s) during the application process
- The fee for the certificate type chosen includes any endorsements
Assistant de plongeur non autonome (limité et non limité)
Upgrade Fee $180
Les assistants de plongée font partie de l’équipe de soutien du plongeur en surface. Ils aident le plongeur à mettre son équipement tout juste avant la plongée et durant les activités post-plongée. Les assistants de plongeur non autonome travaillent dans la même catégorie de plongée que le plongeur non autonome.
To Renew, Upgrade, or Crossover Your Certificate Please Include the Following:
- A scan of a photo ID (passport or driver’s license) to verify date of birth and identity.
- A scan of your current workplace First Aid training certificate, including CPR and AED.
- A scan of your current O2 Provider certificate, or equivalent certification.
- Copies of sufficient logs to demonstrate that you meet the requirements shown on the table of renewal requirements available HERE. If logs are not stamped, be sure to include contact information for each employer.
- A recent passport-style photograph of yourself.
- The appropriate fee payable by credit card or PayPal.
Missing Information
- If you are missing a piece of information you may proceed to complete and/or save the rest of the application. You will be unable to submit the application until all required documentation is attached.
- You will be able to select your endorsement(s) during the application process.
- The fee for the certificate type chosen includes any endorsements.
Plongeur non autonome alimenté en mélange gazeux
Upgrade Fee $425
Ce certificat permet au titulaire de plonger à l'aide d'un équipement de plongée à gaz mélangé à une profondeur maximale de 70 mètres.
To Upgrade Your Certificate Please Include the Following:
- A scan of your surface supplied mixed gas diver training certificate(s).
- A scan of your surface supplied diver certificate(s).
- A scan of your letter of assessment.
- A scan of a photo ID (passport or driver’s license) to verify date of birth and identity.
- A scan of your current workplace First Aid training certificate, including CPR and AED.
- A scan of your current O2 Provider certificate, or equivalent certification.
- A scan of your current Diving Medical.
- Copies of sufficient logs within the past 5 years. If logs are not stamped, be sure to include contact information for each employer.
- A recent passport-style photograph of yourself.
- The appropriate fee payable by credit card or PayPal.
Missing Information
- If you are missing a piece of information you may proceed to complete and/or save the rest of the application. You will be unable to submit the application until all required documentation is attached.
- You will be able to select your endorsement(s) during the application process.
- The fee for the certificate type chosen includes any endorsements.
Chef de plongée non autonome à alimentation en mélange gazeux
Upgrade Fee $480
Ce certificat permet au titulaire de superviser les opérations de plongée en gaz mélangé alimenté en surface.
To Upgrade Your Certificate Please Include the Following:
- A scan of your Surface Supplied Mixed Gas Supervisor certificate.
- A scan of your Surface Supplied Diver certificate(s).
- A scan of your supervisor training certificate(s).
- A scan of a photo ID (passport or driver’s license) to verify date of birth and identity.
- A scan of your current workplace First Aid training certificate, including CPR and AED.
- A scan of your current O2 Provider certificate, or equivalent certification.
- Copies of sufficient logs within the past 5 years. If logs are not stamped, be sure to include contact information for each employer.
- A recent passport-style photograph of yourself.
- The appropriate fee payable by credit card or PayPal.
Missing Information
- If you are missing a piece of information you may proceed to complete and/or save the rest of the application. You will be unable to submit the application until all required documentation is attached.
- You will be able to select your endorsement(s) during the application process.
- The fee for the certificate type chosen includes any endorsements.
Plongeur autonome
Upgrade Fee $240
Ce certificat permet au titulaire de plonger sur un appareil respiratoire autonome (SCUBA) à une profondeur. Les titulaires de cette certification travaillent souvent dans la récolte de fruits de mer, l'aquaculture, les inspections sous-marines, les recherches archéologiques, les opérations de police, la production de films sous-marins et la réponse au sauvetage des services d'urgence.
To Upgrade Your Certificate Please Include the Following:
- A scan of your diving certificate(s).
- A scan of your diver training certificate(s).
- A scan of letter of assessment.
- A scan of a photo ID (passport or driver’s license) to verify date of birth and identity.
- A scan of your current workplace First Aid training certificate, including CPR and AED.
- A scan of your current O2 Provider certificate, or equivalent certification.
- A scan of your current Diving Medical.
- Copies of sufficient logs within the past 5 years. If logs are not stamped, be sure to include contact information for each employer.
- A recent passport-style photograph of yourself.
- The appropriate fee payable by credit card or PayPal.
Missing Information
- If you are missing a piece of information you may proceed to complete and/or save the rest of the application. You will be unable to submit the application until all required documentation is attached.
- You will be able to select your endorsement(s) during the application process.
- The fee for the certificate type chosen includes any endorsements.
Plongeur non autonome limité
Upgrade Fee $300
Ce certificat permet au titulaire de plonger en utilisant des équipements de plongée non-autonome à une profondeur maximale de 30 mètres. Les titulaires de cette certification travaillent souvent dans la récolte de produits de la mer, l'aquaculture, les inspections sous-marines, les recherches archéologiques, les opérations de police, la production de films sous-marins et les services d'urgence.
To Upgrade Your Certificate Please Include the Following:
- A scan of your diving certificate(s).
- A scan of your diver training certificate(s).
- A scan of your letter of assessment (if applicable).
- A scan of a photo ID (passport or driver’s license) to verify date of birth and identity.
- A scan of your current workplace First Aid training certificate, including CPR and AED.
- A scan of your current O2 Provider certificate, or equivalent certification.
- A scan of your current Diving Medical.
- Copies of sufficient logs within the past 5 years. If logs are not stamped, be sure to include contact information for each employer.
- A recent passport-style photograph of yourself.
- The appropriate fee payable by credit card or PayPal.
Missing Information
- If you are missing a piece of information you may proceed to complete and/or save the rest of the application. You will be unable to submit the application until all required documentation is attached.
- You will be able to select your endorsement(s) during the application process.
- The fee for the certificate type chosen includes any endorsements.
Plongeur non autonome non limitée
Upgrade Fee $360
Ce certificat permet au détenteur de plonger en utilisant un équipement de plongée alimenté en surface jusqu’à une profondeur de 50 mètres. En plus des catégories professionnelles de la liste des plongeurs non autonomes à profondeur limitée, les détenteurs de cette certification travaillent souvent en soutien au développement et à la production d’hydrocarbures extracôtiers et en soutien à la construction maritime.
To Upgrade Your Certificate Please Include the Following:
- A scan of training certificate(s).
- A scan of diving certificate(s).
- A scan of letter of assessment.
- A scan of a photo ID (passport or driver’s license) to verify date of birth and identity.
- A scan of your current workplace First Aid training certificate, including CPR and AED.
- A scan of your current O2 Provider certificate, or equivalent certification.
- A scan of your current Diving Medical.
- Copies of sufficient logs within the past 5 years.
- A recent passport-style photograph of yourself.
- The appropriate fee payable by credit card or PayPal.
Missing Information
- If you are missing a piece of information you may proceed to complete and/or save the rest of the application. You will be unable to submit the application until all required documentation is attached.
- You will be able to select your endorsement(s) during the application process.
- The fee for the certificate type chosen includes any endorsements.
Chef de plongée à alimentation en air côtier
Upgrade Fee $480
Ce certificat permet au détenteur de superviser les opérations de plongée non autonome à profondeur non limitée impliquant des outils à commande mécanique et des caissons de décompression.
To Upgrade Your Certificate Please Include the Following:
- A scan of diving certificate(s).
- A scan of supervisor certificate(s).
- A scan of supervisor training certificate(s).
- A scan of a photo ID (passport or driver’s license) to verify date of birth and identify.
- A scan of your current workplace First Aid training certificate, including CPR and AED.
- A scan of your current O2 Provider certificate, or equivalent certification.
- Must have a minimum of 3 years experience as an unrestricted surface supplied diver.
- Copies of log book entries (200 dive logs as a diver).
- SHAMS/Mock Incidents documented (Decompression Sickness, Trapped Diver and Burst Lung).
- Proof of supervisory experience (25 supervisor logs) within the past 5 years.
- A scan of letter of assessment.
- A recent passport-style photograph of yourself.
- The appropriate fee payable by credit card or PayPal.
Missing Information
- If you are missing a piece of information you may proceed to complete and/or save the rest of the application. You will be unable to submit the application until all required documentation is attached.
- You will be able to select your endorsement(s) during the application process.
- The fee for the certificate type chosen includes any endorsements.
Chef de Plongée Autonome (limitée et non limitée)
Upgrade Fee $300
Ce certificat permet au titulaire de superviser à la fois les plongeurs autonomes et les plongeurs autonomes.
To Upgrade Your Certificate Please Include the Following:
- A scan of diving certificate(s).
- A scan of supervisor certificate(s).
- A scan of supervisor training certificate(s).
- A scan of a photo ID (passport or driver’s license) to verify date of birth and identity.
- A scan of your current workplace First Aid training certificate, including CPR and AED.
- A scan of your current O2 Provider certificate, or equivalent certification.
- Must have a minimum of 1 year experience as an occupational SCUBA diver.
- Copies of log book entries (75 dive logs as a diver) within the past 5 years.
- SHAMS/Mock Incidents documented (Decompression Sickness, Trapped Diver, Burst Lung and Lost Diver).
- Proof of supervisory experience (16 supervisor logs).
- A scan of letter of assessment.
- A recent passport-style photograph of yourself.
- The appropriate fee payable by credit card or PayPal.
Missing Information
- If you are missing a piece of information you may proceed to complete and/or save the rest of the application. You will be unable to submit the application until all required documentation is attached.
- You will be able to select your endorsement(s) during the application process.
- The fee for the certificate type chosen includes any endorsements.