The certification of Offshore Diving Supervisors is guided by the DCBC Offshore Diving Supervisor Certification Scheme which is available HERE in pdf format.

  • The scheme applies to both Air and Bell Diving Supervisors.
  • Three accredited schools offer Offshore Air Diving Supervisor courses in Canada and the USA. We also accept IMCA or ADAS Trainee Offshore Air Diving Supervisor courses.
  • Application for certification should be made on the printable application form available on this site.
  • Until March 31, 2010, we have accepted that all or part of the experience required in Section 3.2.2 of the scheme may have been gained before taking the trainee bell diving supervisor course.
  • After March 31, 2010 candidates must take the trainee supervisor course before starting to collect the experience noted in Section 3.2.2.
  • Candidates must have completed the course and the required experience before applying for the exam.
  • Candidates may take any DCBC, IMCA or ADAS approved trainee supervisor course.
  • Candidates who hold a National Energy Board offshore supervisor certificate do not have to take the trainee supervisor course. They will have to sit the DCBC supervisor exam.
  • Legislation module for Canada (and the USA) is now available HERE and must be written by all candidates for supervisor.
  • Candidates for examination must provide sufficient notice to the DCBC to allow sufficient time for the generation and validation of the exam and the arrangements to proctor(invigilate) the exam.
  • Candidates must pay all costs associated with the proctoring of the exam.
  • For further information contact the Chief Executive Officer by writing to

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