
The Diver Certification Board of Canada is a federally registered, not-for-profit body which is partially funded by stakeholder contributions and partially by the fees received for certificates. The amount of the fee varies according to the certificate. The fee for a given certificate is set after consideration of such criteria as:

  • The seriousness of the consequences of issuing a certificate to an unqualified candidate.
  • The time taken to verify information submitted by a candidate.
  • The earning power of the certificate.
  • The difficulty in obtaining the certificate in terms of training and experience.
  • The fees charged over five years by other certifying bodies and professional associations (in 2013) (e.g. RN’s $1,960; Licensed Practical Nurses $1,400; Professional Engineers (in NS) $1,250; Lawyers (in NS) $9,725; Engineering Technologists $825; Realtors $2,175; PADI Instructors $1,250)
  • All fees are in Canadian dollars.
  • All fees have increased by approximately 10% on June 1, 2023; the first increase in thirteen years.
Certificate Current Fee  Previous Fee Increase
Occupational SCUBA Diver $240 $220 $20
Restricted Surface Supplied Diver $300 $275 $25
Unrestricted Surface Supplied Diver $360 $330 $30
SCUBA Supervisor $300 $275 $25
Restricted Surface Supplied Supervisor $425 $385 $40
Unrestricted Surface Supplied Supervisor $480 $440 $40
Surface Supplied Mixed-Gas Diver $425 $385 $40
Surface Supplied Mixed-Gas Supervisor $480 $440 $40
Surface Supplied Tender $180 $165 $15
Hyperbaric Chamber Operator $120 $110 $10
Offshore Air Diving Supervisor $545 $495 $50
Closed Bell Diver $600 $550 $50
Bell Diving Supervisor $725 $660 $65
Inshore DSS $600 $550 $50
Offshore DSS (SS) $850 $770 $80
Offshore DSS (Bell Diving) $850 $770 $80
Life Support Technician $300 $275 $25
Life Support Supervisor $360 $330 $30
ROV Pilot/Technician Level 2 $120 $110 $10
ROV Pilot/Technician Level 1 $300 $275 $25
ROV Senior Pilot/Technician $360 $330 $30
ROV Pilot/Technician Supervisor $480 $440 $40



  1. Fees are for a five year certificate.
  2. Fees for initial certification after training, valid for two years only, will be reduced by 50% from those shown above.
  3. Candidates pay only one fee, regardless of the number of endorsements on the certificate; e.g. if an Unrestricted Surface Supplied Diver certificate is endorsed for SCUBA Supervisor the candidate pays only the USSD fee.
  4. Please make cheques payable to the Diver Certification Board of Canada
  5. Click the PayPal Logo on the application to pay your fees online with your credit card. Please note that fees are increased by the PayPal fee of 3%
  6. Payments can also be made by Interac eTransfer to tchilds@divercertification.com